Add Your Site
PornSitesList welcomes you to submit your site!
What are the rules for adding a new site?
If you want to submit your site you can read all rules below for adding a new site. Please read here before sending your site-adding request!
Important information before submitting your site
- No illegal content
- No cheating
- Maximum 2 popups
- Site with good quality content
- Site with a minimum of popularity
How to submit your site?
Step 1: Please place a backlink to PornSitesList (Title: Best Porn Sites) on your site first.
Note: Adding a link to our site is not mandatory, but we would appreciate it and prioritize the sites that add us too!
Step 2: Fill out all the necessary information in the form below and add a short unique description (min 200 words) about your site.
Step 3: Click “Submit” and we will check to see if your site is good enough.